Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Research on flying machines


An aircraft is a flying vehicle that is able to fly by gaining support from the air. It counters the force of gravity by using either static lift or by using the dynamic lift of an airfoil.

Think about the technology, engineering, physics, mathematics, factors and variables.

flying vehicle - Autogyro

Invented by a Spanish enginner Juan de la Cierva to create an aircraft that could safely fly at slow speeds.

An autogyro (from Spanish autogiro), also known as gyroplane, gyrocopter, or rotaplane, is a type of rotorcraft which uses an unpowered rotor in autorotation to develop lift, and an engine-powered propeller, similar to that of a fixed-wing aircraft, to provide thrust.
The free-spinning rotor that turns because of the passage of air upward through the rotor and the vertical component of the total aerodynamic reaction of the rotor gives lift for the vehicle, and sustains the autogyro in the air.
The free-spinning blades turn by auto rotation; the rotor blades are angled so that they not only give lift, but the angle of the blades causes the lift to accelerate the blades' rotation rate, until the rotor turns at a stable speed with the drag and thrust forces in balance.
A separate propeller provides forward thrust, and can be placed in a tractor configuration with the engine and propeller at the front of the fuselage, or pusher configuration with the engine and propeller at the rear of the fuselage. 

There are three primary flight controls: control stick, rudder pedals, and throttle. The control stick is termed cyclic and tilts the rotor in the desired direction to provide pitch and roll control. The rudder pedals provide yaw control, and the throttle controls engine power.

Modern autogyros typically follow one of two basic configurations: 
-The most common design is the pusher configuration, where the engine and propeller are located behind the pilot and rotor mast, such as in the Bensen "Gyrocopter". It was developed by Igor Bensen in the decades following World War II, and came into widespread use shortly afterward.
- Less common today is the tractor configuration. In this version the engine and propeller are located at the front of the aircraft, ahead of the pilot and rotor mast. This was the primary configuration in early autogyros, but became less common after the advent of the helicopter. It has enjoyed a revival since the mid 1970s.
This video from youtube reminded me of the avatars flying in second life from our previous design group rotation. The experience is almost surreal, it does rely and depend on technology to provide the thrust and the lift however it feels as if only natural world of force is used for the flight. With the open-ness or the lack of glass protection, the controller is fully embraced by nature and is able to interweave with nature and its surrounding directly. 

non-flying vehicle - solar powered boats

Boating is not a very green way of getting around, some boat leave oil and fuel on the surface of the water, not mention the damage that is done to shoreline.

This vehicle is classed as a yacht and the speed and the limitation of power source and energy depends on the scale of solar panels and its ability to transfer energy and the science of it.
In this case, the boat on the bottom is covered in over 500 square meters of solar panels rated 93 kW. The mission is to demonstrate that existing renewable energy technologies are reliable and effective.

Due to its use of space of PV panels, the vehicle lacks social space and open space. Therefore, human experience and their emotion response to their surrounding will not involve any open elements. 

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