Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Studio Focus Two Overview

SPECIALIST FOCUS  2 walls/collectors between 2 surfaces
SEMPER  weaving enclosure
DIGITAL PROCESS  image rhino/ grasshopper/ scratch
ANALOGUE PROCESS  weaving moment
DIGITAL MACHINERY  mesh import VW/ parametric scripts/ interactivity
PERFORMANCE TEST  post occupancy/ evaluation/ message/ received

The notion of interweaving, intercepting and interlocking ideas are strongly experimented in this focus. Surfaces that are composed by the weaving action of lines are added and subtraced from one and another are constantly in creating a sculptural wall. The functionality of a wall can stretch out beyond the very norm. The abstracted and moulded wall which creates an internal enclosure has the potential to interact with people around it and physically involve human figures to even climb on them. The human experience is again reminded and thought about.

"...Bright sunlight filled the streets, picking out the vivid colours of the wild flowers growing in profusion from the cracked sidewalks. Despite these embellishments, the city's character had begun to change...Abandoning his car, Halloway walked through the empty streets, littered with smoldering neon tubes as if a burnt out rainbow had collapsed across the sidewalks. Already he could see that everyone had gathered in the square, their backs turned to Buckmaster's memorial. They were looking up at the display sign on the newspaper building, the brief message which Olds had let for them repeating itself in a cry of fear, pride and determination..."

With the phrase above, we are to experiment with the action of weaving and knitting of surfaces, layers, lines, meshes and textures. From a range of digitalised weaved palettes, the flattened digital moments should be used as a foundational inspiration for the 3D developments. Using different digital processed programmes such as Rhino and 3d Max, a set of walls, paritions or screens should be created and be kinetically developed which can enhance human experience and embrace the human existence.

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