Friday, 20 July 2012

Studio Focus One Overview

SPECIALIST FOCUS  site/ avatar/ plant
SEMPER  theory
DIGITAL PROCESS  stop animation/ animated gifs
PERFORMANCE TEST  critical engagement and reviewing

Solidifying our group's philosophy about the relationship between Utopia and Dystopia is crucial. In order to do this, we must physically explore and interact with the two sites that are given- City and Waiheke Island. Visiting our site and walking and browsing around the given city site allowed us to experience the physicality of the terrain and region and the directionality of the planning and mapping. However, we must mature our ideas by evolving beyond the physical characteristics and the aesthetically influenced ideas. Consider the relationship between the internal and the external. Do they have a connection? If so, how deep and how much? Do not resolve a logical answer; we must proceed forward in an abstract sense. Thus, with the three individual given tasks to be completed, we must continuously discuss how the three elements relate to each other and how they influence and put on impact on one and another. 

Documentation and expression through digital or drawn media will not always meet the expectations and fulfill our key ideas. The way we convey our ideas visually may be restricted and constrain us from portraying our ideas fully. Therefore to extend and improve upon this, we set a number of trials of stop animations which gathers series of photographs to show movement, change, transformation and process. 

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